

1Law 1650/1986For the protection of the environment ”(Government Gazette 160A / 18-10-86), as amended by Law 3010/2002“ Harmonization of Law 1650/1996 with the Directives 97/11 EU. and 96/61 EU, delimitation procedure and issues concerning waterways and other provisions. ”(Government Gazette 91A / 25-04-02)
2Law 4042/2012, (FEK 24/Α/13.2.2012)Criminal protection of the environment - Harmonization with Directive 2008/99 / EC - Framework for waste production and management - Regulation of the Ministry of the Environment Energy and Climate Change
3Joint Ministerial Decision 50910 / 2727 / 2003Solid Waste Management Measures and Conditions. National and Regional Management Planning ”, Government Gazette 1909 / Β / 22.12.2003
4Law 2939/2001Packaging and Alternative Management of Packaging and Other Products - Establishment of a National Organization for the Management of Alternatives to Packaging and Other Products (EOEDASAP) and other provisions ”, Government Gazette 179 / A / 06.08.01, as this has been amended and is in force
5Law 4496/2017, (ΦΕΚ 170/Α/8.11.2017)Amendment of Law 2939/2001 on Alternative Management of Packaging and Other Products, Adaptation to Directive 2015/720 / EU, Regulations of the Hellenic Recycling Agency and other provisions
6Ministerial Decision 103731 / 1278 / 2004Implement legislation on non-hazardous solid waste management
7Ministerial Decision 123067 / 1029 / 2004Environmental Licensing: Collection - Transportation - Waste Storage and Uncontrolled Waste Disposal
8Ministerial Decision 110441/3231/2004Correction of paragraph B.3.III in the Circular “Implementation of legislation on the management of non-hazardous solid waste
9Presidential Decree 109/2004Measures and conditions for alternative management of used tires. Program for their alternative management
10Presidential Decree 55/98 (FEK 58 Α΄/1998)Protection of the Marine Environment
11Presidential Decree 116/2004Measures, conditions and program for alternative end-of-life vehicles management, their used spare parts and deactivated catalytic converters, in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2000/53 / EC on end-of-life vehicles ”Of the Council of 18 September 2000, Government Gazette 81A / 05.03.04
12Presidential Decree 117/2004Measures, conditions and program for the alternative management of waste electrical and electronic equipment, in accordance with the provisions of Directives 2002/95 "on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment" and 2002/96 "on with waste electrical and electronic equipment "of the Council of 27 January 2003", Government Gazette 82 / A / 05.03.04, as amended and in force
13Joint Ministerial Decision 23615/651/Ε.103Establishment of rules, conditions and conditions for the alternative management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2012/19 / EC “on waste electrical and electronic equipment” and 2002/96 “on waste waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) ”of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 and other provisions ”, Government Gazette 1184 / Β / 09.05.14
14Ministerial Decision 122648/09.03.05Clarifications on the Organization Study for the authorization to collect and transport waste packaging, used rubber vehicles, lubricating oils, end-of-life vehicles, used batteries and accumulators and waste electrical and electronic equipment, in accordance with the provisions of. 2939/01
15Directive 2000/59/ΕΚConcerning port reception facilities for ship waste and cargo residues.
16Directive 2007/71/ΕΚAmendment of Annex II to Directive 2000/59 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and residues cargo
17Joint Ministerial Decision 8111.1/41/09Harmonization of Greek Legislation with Directive 2000/59 / EC on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues.
18Law 1269/82Ratification of BoD MARPOL 73/78, prevention of marine pollution by ships
19Law 3010/02Harmonization of Law 1650/86 with Directives 97/11 EU and 96/61 EU, delimitation procedure and issues concerning watersheds and other provisions
20Joint Ministerial Decision 13588/725/2006Conditions and restrictions for the management of hazardous waste in accordance with the provisions of Directive 91/689 / EEC
21Ministerial Decision 8136.16/01/09-10-16)About the Waste Harbor Facilities
22Joint Ministerial Decision 3418/07/2002Measures and conditions for port facilities for ship-generated waste and ship residues
23Joint Ministerial Decision 3085/09/16Amendment to Joint Ministerial Decision 8111.1 / 41/09 (Government Gazette 412 B) “Measures and conditions for port waste collection facilities produced on board ships and cargo residues in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2007/71 / EC ”.
24Joint Ministerial Decision 8/27/13Αποδοχή τροποποιήσεων στο Παράρτημα V του Πρωτοκόλλου του 1978 αναφορικά με τη Διεθνή Σύμβαση για την Πρόληψη της Ρύπανσης από Πλοία, 1973 (Αναθεωρημένο Παράρτημα V της Δ.Σ MARPOL 73/78).
25Directive 2019/883concerning port reception facilities for ship-based waste, amending Directive 2010/65 / EU and repealing Directive 2000/59 / EC
26Law 4504/2017Lifelong training of the staff of the Ministry of Maritime and Island Policy, strengthening transparency and meritocracy Ministry of Maritime and Island Policy competence, strengthening social participation in navigation, civil servants issues, supplementing port-related provisions and other provisions
27EU LAW 2017/352establishing a framework for the provision of port services and common rules for the financial transparency of ports
28EU LAW 1315/2013 Τon the Union's guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network and repealing Decision No. 661/2010 / EU
29Law 2252/1994 (ΦΕΚ 192Α/94)Ratification of the International Convention on the Preparedness, Cooperation and Response to Oil Pollution of the Sea, 1990 and other provisions
30Law 3497/2006Ratification of the Protocol on Cooperation in the Prevention of Pollution from Ships and, in Emergency Situations, in Combating Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea
31Presidential Decree 11/2002National Emergency Plan to tackle oil and other harmful pollution incidents "(Government Gazette 6A / 2002)
32Joint Ministerial Decision 1218.91/97/15.10.1997Terms and Conditions for Acceptance of Absorbent Materials in the Greek Maritime Space Used to Reduce or Neutralize Marine Oil Pollution "(Government Gazette 951 B / 1997)
33Joint Ministerial Decision 3221.9/1/99/15.01.1999Terms and Conditions for the Acceptance of Floating Dams in the Greek Maritime Area for the Treatment of Marine Petroleum Pollution Incidents "(Government Gazette 76 B / 1999)